Comprehensive Instagram data analysis and visualization tutorial

less than 1 minute read

Hello everyone,

I recently scraped 10,000+ data points from Donald Trump’s Instagram page using instascrape and decided to create a data visualization tutorial!

Check out this Jupyter Notebook and the associated dataset. The tutorial uses pandas, scikit-learn, and matplotlib to conduct the analyses and is geared heavily towards visualization.

I also wrote two blog posts on the topic:

  1. Scraping 10,000 data points from Donald Trump’s Instagram page with Python
  2. Visualizing Donald Trump’s Instagram data with Python

The first article goes over how I synergized instascrape, selenium, beautiful soup, pandas, scikit-learn, and matplotlib to gather the dynamically rendered Instagram content, scrape the data, and perform some quick analyses and visualizations.

The second article is an introduction to the Jupyter Notebook tutorial and contains all the visualizations you can expect to work with.

If you have any ideas of tutorials you would like to see in the future, let me know!

Happy holidays,

